Sunday, March 06, 2011


Greetings to my new Sunnyside friends. Some of you I know better than others, but I look forward to learning more about you. The first committee meeting is going to be this Friday evening at 6:30. Any thoughts you would like to share leading up to this time is appreciated!


  1. Thanks for creating this blog, which gives us the ability to stay connected and communicate with each other using today's technology!
    I have a thought I would like to share as you prepare for Friday's meeting:

    So many of the groups talked about and even stressed nurture and communication within our church, and breaking out of our little groups and cliques and becoming a more cohesive church family. I applaud this and I am praying that it really happens. May thought is this:
    It is so easy to have a "mountain top" exerience and feel moved and even inspired and caught up in great ideas and vision....but it is another thing entirely to "come down from the mountain" and really put those words into actions. I would like to see the ad hoc group that was formed Sabbath to really focus on some of the hows of breaking out of our insularity and exclusivity and really become a church with open arms....for everyone!
    I know in it can be done, as we were witness to a small piece of it this last weekend...I just really really want to see it continue. I think that by keeping this as one of our focal points, so many other aspects and details of the ideas and visions presented will fall ino place.
    Only by the grace of God in through His leadership can this become a reality. My thoughts and prayers are with you for Friday.
    I can't wait to hear how it goes!
    Joel GQ

  2. Deanna, thanks so much for setting up a blog for us to discuss this as it develops. I'm anxious to hear how the meeting goes on Friday night.


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