Sunday, March 13, 2011

First Meeting

Fellow Next-Steppers,

Our meeting Friday evening was an opportunity for those of us on the leadership team to get to know each other. We shared how we came to Sunnyside, how long we have each been there, a little about our families, and what other interests we have. Since Bud Dickerson had promised us we'd only be there for an hour that was about all we accomplished. We will be meeting again on Friday, March 25th. It will be at this meeting that we will get out each table's posters and start getting into the "nitty-gritty" of where Sunnyside will go next.

Also, I had shared with leadership that I had created a blog (at the request of Mr. Crouch) for those at our table. My intent was to make it clear to them that I was there as a voice for those at my table - not just my own voice. At any rate I was asked to create a blog for our leadership team so that we can be 'working' in between our meeting dates.

One team member shared that a fellow church member had the impression that the content of the Friday night/Sabbath afternoon meetings were "secret"... Clearly that is not the case, and so we talked about the importance of making sure we regularly communicated with our church family about how things were going. If any of you have friends that perhaps were not at the meetings please let them know that they still have an opportunity to have a voice and have input. Pass along any additional ideas, thoughts, concerns, etc. my way via this blog. We thought as a team it would be a great idea to share the team's email addresses with the church family so that anyone can pass along information to us. I'm not sure if that will happen via the church newsletter or bulletin.

Finally, I want to talk about some specific areas of prayer between now and March 25th. Please pray for me as I mentally prepare for the next meeting. After reflecting on our first meeting I realized that I need to do a better job of being fully present. Pray for God's guidance in helping us determine who will be the best leader for our leadership team. I believe we will be deciding on that next time too. Pray for the productivity of our meeting - that we will make the best use of our time together (we only have an hour). Lastly, pray for God's guidance in what 3 areas Sunnyside is to focus on in the next 6 months.

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